We care like Christ
Te aroha o te Karaiti
We care for each other Kia aroha ki a tātou
We care for our learning Kia aroha ki te ako
We care for the world Hei aroha mō te ao
After School Care
After School Care at St Joseph’s Cathedral School with KidzActive Dunedin.
We have a particular focus on active play and we encourage 30 minutes of games and sports with the coaches each day of after school care.
What we offer:
A safe and supportive environment for your kids out of school.
Trained and experienced staff passionate about working with children.
Structured activities in sport and movement games, arts and crafts, as well as free play and relaxation with optional homework time.
Healthy and nutritious snacks.
Programme Cost:
Permanent Booking rates:
Daily fee per child:
3pm-4pm (1 Hour) – $10
3pm-4:30pm (1 and 1/2 Hours) – $12
3pm-5pm (2 Hours) – $15.50
3pm-5:30pm (2 and 1/2 Hours) – $18
3pm-6pm (3 Hours)- $20.50
For further information email or call admin@kidzactive.co.nz
021 0475 131