We care like Christ
Te aroha o te Karaiti
We care for each other Kia aroha ki a tātou
We care for our learning Kia aroha ki te ako
We care for the world Hei aroha mō te ao

Our School
Nau Mai, Haere Mai
St Joseph’s Cathedral School is located right in the heart of Dunedin City, with spectacular views over the Otago Harbour. It is a state integrated Catholic school catering for Year 0 – 6 children, with approximately 160 pupils. It is just up the hill from St Joseph’s Cathedral and Trinity Catholic College.
We provide an outstanding Catholic education, which nurtures each child’s potential. Our children’s learning and wellbeing are at the centre of all our decision making. Through our dedicated and skilled staff we help children reach success within a supportive and caring environment . We provide high quality, child-centered and purposeful learning programmes. We encourage our children to be actively engaged in their learning through a rich curriculum, and a variety of Special Character, cultural and sporting opportunities.
Our motto “We care like Christ” is an integral part of who we are. We care for each other, we care for our learning and we care for our world.
We foster strong partnerships with families/whanau and our community, working together for our children and their learning. We are very proud of and embrace our cultural diversity. There is a real sense of community, commitment and pride in our school.
We welcome all enquiries from new families. Please contact us to make a time to visit and look around our school.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Jo Stanley
St Joseph's Cathedral School