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Sacramental Programme

Our Special Character

St Joseph’s Cathedral School is a Roman Catholic school and its Special Catholic Character is driven through all areas of school life and is in the forefront of everything we do.

Our school was the first Catholic school established in Otago.  In 1863 Father Moreau SM opened St Joseph’s School in Rattray Street. In 1871 a group of ten Dominican Sisters from Dublin Ireland, with the support of Bishop Moran, Dunedin's first Bishop, arrived and took over the running of the school calling it St Joseph's Cathedral School. We are proud to be a Dominican school.

The present St Joseph’s Cathedral School in Elm Row was blessed and opened by Bishop Leonard Boyle on 23 September 1990. The school was built on the concept of home, school and Church being linked to each other, with the children seeing and feeling this connection. 


Our Special Character is expressed in all areas of our school. Each day we begin with prayer in all classrooms. Once a term each class takes a turn to lead the school community in “Shared Prayer.” Children attend class Masses and get the opportunity to participate in Liturgy. We celebrate with our Parish community each term with a School Parish Mass. Other school Masses also occur throughout the year, as do other liturgical celebrations.




PHONE: 03 477 3416

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Term Dates 2025

Term 1  28th January - 11th April

Term 2  28th April - 27th June

Term 3  14th July - 19th September

Term 4  6th October - to be advised


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