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Cultural & Sport

At St Joseph’s Cathedral School we are very proud of and embrace our cultural diversity. All the nations represented at our school have their flag displayed in our Wharenui and each day a different flag is displayed on our flagpole with pride. We have Maori language tutors who come in weekly and through Kapa Haka teach our children Te Reo and Tikanga Maori. We also have a strong Pasifika Sunrise group run by our parent community who meet each week.  This group teaches language, music and culture of the different Pacific identities within our school.  For two terms the children have weekly music with our specialist teacher Mrs Eloise Sime. As a school, we also put on whole school productions, which are performed on stage at Trinity Catholic College Auditorium.

Our children proudly wear the St Joes sports uniform and display positive sporting attitudes during their games. The school offers a wide range of sports for children to be involved in such as futsal, touch rugby, netball, miniball and hockey. We are always keen to be involved in Sport Otago initiatives and compete with local schools in our Cluster Days for cross country and athletics. Our school also holds its own cross country event at a local park. We have a Kiwisport Activator who visits our school three times each term to teach all classes a wide range of sports skills.




PHONE: 03 477 3416

St Jospehs Logo_White.png

Term Dates 2025

Term 1  28th January - 11th April

Term 2  28th April - 27th June

Term 3  14th July - 19th September

Term 4  6th October - to be advised


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