We care like Christ
Te aroha o te Karaiti
We care for each other Kia aroha ki a tātou
We care for our learning Kia aroha ki te ako
We care for the world Hei aroha mō te ao
School Values, Charism & Pastoral Care
School Values
Here at St Joseph’s Cathedral School we proudly follow the example of Jesus and his teachings as we strive to ‘Care like Christ’. Our school Gospel values of Respect - Mana, Compassion- Aroha, Honesty- Ngākaupono, and Forgiveness - Murunga Hara, are displayed in our everyday actions and words.
Our school was the first Catholic school established in Otago. In 1863 Father Moreau SM opened St Joseph’s School in Rattray Street. In 1871 a group of ten Dominican Sisters from Dublin Ireland, with the support of Bishop Moran, Dunedin's first Bishop, arrived and took over the running of the school calling it St Joseph's Cathedral School. We are proud to be a Dominican school.
The Dominican charism is based on truth, learning, discovery, thinking, excellence, prayer, community and service or mission. We live by the Domincan motto of “Veritas” – meaning truth. The Dominican pillars of prayer, learning, community and service are evident in our school and our learning.

Pastoral Care and Social Justice
Our motto is “We Care like Christ” which means that pastoral care and social justice are a very important part of who we are as a school community. It is embedded across all aspects of school life.
Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34).
Jesus demonstrated through his life the necessity of care for others and the principles of social justice. We work together as a school community to ensure the care of students, staff, our families and the members of the wider community.
Some of the ways we “ Care like Christ”:
A Pastoral Care Committee who reach out to our community in times of grief or celebration.
Support of families who may need some financial assistance.
Year 6 students lead a Young Vinnies group who focus each term on different social justice projects.
Praying for others and making connections.