We care like Christ
Te aroha o te Karaiti
We care for each other Kia aroha ki a tātou
We care for our learning Kia aroha ki te ako
We care for the world Hei aroha mō te ao
Teaching & Learning
At St Joseph’s Cathedral school the children are at the centre of all teaching and learning. We use a rich curriculum to build each individual’s learning capacity and empower their learner agency. We make learning visible through our school wide learning progressions which help our learners know how they are going and where they need to go next.
Our school’s vision for learning is based on Deeper Learning Pedagogies and research from Michael Fullan’s “21st Century Skills: 6 C’s of Education”. We have developed our own school Learner Qualities.
Our Learner Qualities are:
Critical Thinking
These qualities are a fundamental part of the teaching and learning here at St Joseph’s Cathedral School. We believe these Learner Qualities will be highly influential in setting our children up successfully for their future education and beyond.